Wednesday, May 2, 2012

"Side Chick" vs. "Wifey"

"Side Chick" vs. "Wifey" by @DCtheprez

"A side chick when and if ever present, is served for one purpose and that's it. She might be the 5th person in his life starting with his mother, wife/girlfriend, family, and some friends."

I wrote this blog because I am seeing the word "side chick" being thrown around way to loosely and I feel we need to redefine these two meanings and you can understand your either one or the other and no matter how bad all of you want to be "wifey" some of you will never be that.

Contrary to what women believe the "side chick" is not "some chick men fuck on the side". This definition is totally wrong, the women that men "fuck on the side" are just that.  That's why I'm writing this to show you the difference between the "side chick" and "wifey".

The "Side Chick" is not always "crazy, stupid, or illogical"

Women bad mouth other women known as the "side chick".  This isn't about there opinion being right or wrong, but more so stating the fact of said "side chick".  Some women choose stripping as a profession and some would call it degrading, indignant, or straight whorish.  However, many times those same women make more money, take care of there kids (we all know not all women who aren't strippers do so) and they can look at themselves in the mirror at night which is all that really matters.  Just because you disagree with what a woman does don't make it crazy or stupid.  Just because it doesn't make sense to you doesn't make it the wrong thing to do.

Maybe having a man full time is not suitable to their lifestyle.  Maybe the taken man provides her with happiness that she has never had.  She's not consumed with the things she doesn't have.  She only concerns herself with what she has and is happy with it.

The Power of "Side Chick" and her role

The woman that he doesn't have to see everyday.  The woman he doesn't have to argue with about in house issues about bills, cleanliness, and hearing about how bad her day was.  The woman that goes super hard to please him sexually because she knows she's in competition with "wifey".  That woman is the "side chick" and men could have bunch of women that they fuck but many choose to have a "side chick" as well and she is very vital to a man's life.  Her role is really just to make his life as stress free as possible.

Just go to any day and you will see a side chick messing his whole life up.  A woman that he is just fucking should never have this kind of power, and they don't.  Only the side chick has this power. Why? "pillow talk".  Once he climbs out the pussy of the side chick he immediately starts talking and sometimes while he's still in it.  He knows this is stupid but he will do it anyway.  Now he can never piss her off because she has the juice.  All he can do is keep her as happy as possible and a smart side chick knows this and use it to either get to the wifey position or just use him however she wants.


Our wifey is the most powerful on the face of this planet.  Her status is almost up there with your mothers power.  She is who you spend all of your time with, who you tell all of your secrets to, and has the power to ruin your life if they wanted.  Sometimes the side chick actually makes it to wifey role which actually happens more often then you think.  Which shouldn't be a surprise, she know just as much about his as anybody else, and she has put a lot of time and energy into him already.  The only question that comes to mind in this transition is what makes you think he won't find another side chick when y'all are in a relationship.  Well either way they both play a significant role in a man's life and always will.  But how things are going nowadays you might start seeing "side chicks" and "wifeys" hanging out together lol.


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