Thursday, May 3, 2012

Friendship Between Men and Women

"Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, emmity, worship, love, but no friendship" -Oscar Wilde

The age old question has been can men and women just be friends.  My personal opinion is it all depends on the circumstances in which you guys met.  Unless you guys grew up together from babies, or went to school together, or she use to be your homeboys girl maybe and I mean just maybe then  you can be friends.  But if you became friends by him approaching you in the club or Facebook, it can not happen.  I think girls really want to believe that her and a dude can just be friends and everything in life will be ok.  

How is it you can get along with the gender that never really understands nothing you ever really say or do?  Have you ever heard a man say "I can understand why she stays with him even though he beats her"? No, Why?  Because were not a woman, that makes no sense to me.  But it make sense to other women.  A man doesn't understand why you cry and can't move on the first day of your menstrual cycle. But every woman can relate to you.  Much of friendship is understanding and compromise.  There's no way your getting more of that from a man then you are from a woman.

No Sexual Attraction

This is where I believe being friends can be successful.  Neither him nor her being sexually attracted to each other.  That eliminates a huge hurdle in the friendship because any bias ever shown is not sexually driven and that is very important.  This means he genuinely likes you for the person you are and no longer cares about your prized possession, and vice versa.  If she doesn't want to sleep with you then whenever she does "cock block" you know it's more of an emotional friend attachment than sexual.

Exes Turned Friends

I believe that this can work but only depending on how everything ended.  But I always believe there will be jealousy in that relationship because she will always feel like she's better then the chick your with.  

Friends With Benefits

Will never work and that's all I have to say

At the end of the day if it works for you then great but there will always be drama in all of these situations.

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